The European Union’s

The European Union’s cohesion policy: EUR 9 billion from 2021 to 2027 to Croatia

Croatia will of EUR 9 billion of cohesion policy funding for the period 2021-2021 under the Partnership Agreement with the Commission EUR 9 billion from 2021 to 2027 to Croatia Croatia will receive a total of EUR 9 billion of cohesion policy funding for the period 2021-2027 to promote the economic, social and territorial cohesion of their regions and the green and digital transitions. This investment will help reduce regional economic disparities and improve skills, training and job opportunities. EU funding will also support the development of a competitive and innovative export-oriented Croatian economy.

Towards a resilient, net-zero carbon economyCroatia will allocate almost 31 % of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and 39 % of the Cohesion Fund to climate objectivesIn concrete figures, EUR 2.56 billion will help improve energy efficiency, increase the share of renewables in energy production to 60 % in 2030, strengthen the circular economy, climate resilience and biodiversity. More than EUR 650 million will be invested in achieving the latter objective. Furthermore, EUR 179 million from the Just Transition Fund will mitigate the economic and employment impacts of the green transition. This will be achieved by decarbonising energy-intensive industries, strengthening entrepreneurship and investing in workers’ skills, diversifying the economy in the most affected regions, strengthening cooperation between businesses and the research community, and increasing employment opportunities in the labour market.

Strengthening economic competitiveness and digitalisation.EUR 1.7 billion from the ERDF to increase the competitiveness and internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and improve employee skills will support Croatia’s innovative and smart economic transformation.

Reducing regional disparitiesInvestments will take place throughout Croatia, including its poorest parts; almost EUR 500 million earmarked for facilitating the industrial transition in Croatia’s regions will contribute to improving international competitiveness. In addition, 12 % of ERDF resources will be dedicated to urban development and around 3 % to the development of smart and sustainable islands. More support is also foreseen for mountain areas. In this way, EU funds will help all parts of Croatia reach the economically and socially developed capital of Zagreb and the most developed regions of the EU.

Improvement of connectivity . Almost EUR 1 billion will be dedicated to improving regional, local and cross-border mobility in all sectors, including the development of a sustainable, smart, safe and intermodal transport network linked to the TEN-T trans-European network, and to enable much-needed improvements in national rail infrastructure and further progress in maritime transport on the coast of Croatia.

Social inclusion, employment, education, trainingAlmost EUR 2.5 billion from the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) and the ERDF will be used to boost quality employment and skills, education, health and social services. Well- designed active support to employment, especially for women, young people and vulnerable groups, will be accompanied by improving the capacity of labour market institutions, such as public employment services, for example through digitalisation. Investments at all levels of education will allow for concrete improvements in the education system, from early childcare to adult education. These investments will also strengthen upskilling and reskilling to better match new labour market needs and develop the basis for individual learning accountsThe risk of poverty and social exclusion is particularly exposed to older people, women and people with disabilities. As a result, the strategic needs mapping will provide significant resources from the ESF+ to invest in the welfare system and the transition from institutional social services to community-based social services, in particular as regards assistance to people with disabilities, long-term care and assistance to the most deprived. The Partnership Agreement will also provide support for the training of medical staff and the strengthening of emergency medical assistance systems and telemedicine services.

Sustainable fishing. The European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund will invest EUR 244 million in sustainable fisheries and the protection of marine biodiversity and ecosystems in the Adriatic Sea. This fund will also support the development of sustainable and low-carbon aquaculture and processing sectors, the economic and social vitality of fishing communities and the implementation of international ocean governance. All supported measures will help Croatia to contribute to the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy, as well as the key EU policy priorities outlined in the European Green Deal, the Farm to Fork Strategy and the Biodiversity Strategy.

Statements by the members of the College
Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira said: Since Croatia’s accession to the EU, investments in its balanced development under cohesion policy amounted to 4 % of Croatia’s GDP. These investments have increased its competitiveness, helped create new jobs and promote a greener and more digital economy. The new Partnership Agreement for the period 2021-2021 By 2027, this Member State is provided with additional funding to continue its path towards economic, social and territorial cohesion and development.

European Commissioner for Employment and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit added: This Partnership Agreement is a key step towards achieving Croatia’s 2030 national social targets, as set out in the Action Plan for the Implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. I underline the strategic focus of ESF+ investments, which foster quality employment, enable workers to acquire the skills they need to navigate today and the future labour market and provide significant funding for investments in social services that are essential for social inclusion, including assistance to people with disabilities, healthcare and long-term care.
Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius said: Europe’s blue economy creates concrete opportunities for coastal communities. The European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund supports innovative projects that contribute to the sustainability of the exploitation of marine resources, the decarbonisation of our economy and the protection of biodiversity. This Partnership Agreement encourages Croatia’s green and digital transition and helps build low-carbon, sustainable, innovative and resilient fisheries and aquaculture sectors in the Adriatic Sea.”

The Partnership Agreement with Croatia covers cohesion policy resources (ERDF, ESF+, Cohesion Fund and JTF) and the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF). The Partnership Agreement paves the way for the implementation of these investments on the ground. It covers four national programmes: The Competitiveness and Cohesion Programme (ERDF and Cohesion Fund), the Integrated Territorial Programme (ERDF and JTF), the Efficient Human Resources Programme (ESF+) and the EMFAF programme, to be adopted. Within the framework of cohesion policy and in cooperation with the Commission, each Member State shall prepare a Partnership Agreement, a strategic document for the programming of investments from cohesion policy and EMFAF funds during the multiannual financial framework. This agreement, focused on EU priorities, sets out the investment strategy and priorities set by the Member State and sets out a list of national and regional programmes for implementation on the ground, including an indicative annual financial allocation for each programme.

The 19th Partnership Agreement with Croatia was preceded by agreements with Greece, Germany, Austria, Chech Republic, Lithuania, Finland, Denmark, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Poland, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Portugal, Estonia, Slovakia, Italy and Romania.

More information

Long-term EU budget 2021-2030 2027 and NextGenerationEU

Questions and Answers on the EU legislative package for cohesion policy 2021-2030 2027

Breakdown of Member States’ allocations under cohesion policy

Partnership Agreements 2021-2021 2027

Open data platform for cohesion policy


On August 2nd, 2022, in Kino Plaški we held a short interactive workshop for children and young people on the topic of the European Union and the opportunities that are available to them. The workshop was organized by Studio Europa. In a pleasant and casual environment, elementary and high school students from different parts of Croatia were provided with initial information about the European Union, the new currency that awaits us, and European youth programs.




Since moment when Euro becomes the official currency in the Republic of Croatia is less than six months away – yesterday, on July 14, 2022, in the organization of the Representation of the European Commission in Croatia, Europe Direct Karlovac and the Public Institution Regional Development Agency of Karlovac County, an information workshop for entrepreneurs on the topic of the introduction of Euro as the official currency was held. With comprehensive presentations, the lecturers Branka Augustinović and Lucija Sušić from the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable development; and Amalija Jurin from the Ministry of Finance, brought up the changes that will occur with the introduction of Euro, which will directly affect all business processes.
Amalija Jurin predstavila je glavne odrednice novog Zakona o uvođenju eura kao službene valute u RH te kronologiju postupka uvođenja istog. Predavačica se osvrnula na najvažnije aktivnosti i promjene poslovnih procesa koji se očekuju u periodu do 5. rujna 2022. godine, kada započinje obvezno dvojno iskazivanje cijena. Također je naglašeno i što očekivati nakon 1. siječnja 2023. kada Hrvatska planira uvođenje eura, ali i od kolike je važnosti da se svi poslovni subjekti u Hrvatskoj na vrijeme pripreme za poslovanje u novoj službenoj valuti, posebno prema krajnjem potrošaču.
Branka Augustinović and Lucija Sušić presented to the attendees the Guidelines for adjusting the economy in the process of replacing the Croatian kuna with the Euro, a document whose purpose is to timely inform business entities about the necessary adjustments, encourage timely preparations for double reporting and coordinate the implementation of consumer protection measures.
At the workshop, the concept of the Code of Ethics was also clarified. Its purpose is to determine the way business entities should act for the purpose of reliable and transparent introduction of the Euro, with the aim of creating trust and a safe environment for consumers. All business entities are invited to join this initiative.
More information about the Code of Ethics, adopted Guidelines and Instructions for adaptation, as well as the most frequent questions and answers related to the introduction of the Euro, can be found at the following link:


Poziv na informativnu radionicu o uvođenju eura

Šest mjeseci dijeli nas od dana kada euro postaje službena valuta u Republici Hrvatskoj. Stoga, Predstavništvo Europske komisije u Republici Hrvatskoj i Javna ustanova Regionalna razvojna agencija Karlovačke županije u sklopu provedbe projekta EUROPE DIRECT Karlovac organiziraju informativnu radionicu o uvođenju euru u četvrtak, 14. srpnja 2022. godine u 11 sati u dvorani Udruženja obrtnika Grada Karlovca, Ulica Jurja Haulika 14. Planirano trajanje radionice je sat i pol.

Proces uvođenja nove valute zahtjeva prilagodbe i promjene, kako poslovnih procesa tako i pravovremeno osposobljavanje djelatnika za rad u novoj službenoj valuti. Izrazito je važno ne podcijeniti opseg aktivnosti i prilagodbe koje je potrebno poduzeti kako bi se svaki poslovni subjekt pravovremeno pripremio za poslovanje u novoj službenoj valuti. Stoga, na radionici će biti predstavljene glavne odrednice postupka uvođenja eura kao službene valute u Republici Hrvatskoj koje su sadržane u krovnom Zakonu o uvođenju eura kao službene valute u Republici Hrvatskoj (NN 57/22), zatim što je to Etički kodeks i zašto bi se poslovni subjekti koji su u direktnom odnosu s potrošačem trebali priključiti toj inicijativi. Prezentirat će se najvažnije aktivnosti i potrebne zakonske prilagodbe u postupku uvođenja eura za gospodarstvenike i tijela javne vlasti. Također, ukratko će biti predstavljena iskustva iz drugih zemalja članica gdje je euro zajednička valuta.

Na radionici će sudjelovati predstavnici Ministarstva financija te Ministarstva gospodarstva i održivog razvoja koji će odgovoriti na pitanja: Što uvođenje eura znači za poduzetnike (uključujući i obrte te OPG-ove), ali i regionalnu i lokalnu samoupravu?

Pozivamo sve zainteresirane da se pridruže na radionici u Dvorani Udruženja obrtnika Grada Karlovca, u Karlovcu na adresi Ulica Jurja Haulika 14. Zbog organizacijskih potreba, prijavu sudjelovanja je potrebno izvršiti putem prijavnog obrasca Radionica o uvođenju eura (



Europe Direct Karlovac, in cooperation with Public Institution Natura Viva, Karlovac County, City of Karlovac and Karlovac School for Forestry and Wood-work, celebrated European Day of Parks, International Day for Biological Diversity and Nature Protection Day of the Republic of Croatia. We have thus placed emphasis on the European Green Plan and the very important EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.

This special day for nature protection is traditionally marked in our Vrbanić park by setting up houses for birds, bats and squirrels. By doing so, we wanted to ensure that our smallest park’s inhabitants become permanent residents of our city of parks.

European Day of Parks is designed to raise public awareness of the importance of protected areas in Europe. The initiative was launched in 1999 by the EUROPARC Federation to commemorate May 24th, 1909, when Sweden declared the first 9 national parks in Europe.

International Day for Biological Diversity and Nature Protection Day of the Republic of Croatia are celebrated every year on May 22nd, and this year under a slogan that says "Building a common future for all life".

Vrbanić Park is protected as a monument of park architecture and all in order to preserve its landscape, cultural and biological value, as it is the most valuable park in the city of Karlovac. By doing this joint activity in Vrbanić Park, we wanted to send a clear message of commitment. Preservation of biodiversity and park’s species and habitats is a must – which also determinates one of the main tasks of Public Institution NATURA VIVA.


Citizens of Karlovac County have yesterday, May 9th, celebrated Europe Day. The event was organized by Europe Direct Karlovac and Public Institution Regional development agency of Karlovac County. In addition to the hosts; the Head of Karlovac County Martina Furdek Hajdin, Mayor of Karlovac Damir Mandić and Director of Regional Development Agency Vilko Klasan, Head of European Commission Representation in Croatia Ognian Zlatev was also present. Along with music programme performed by Karlovac Music School, the citizens of Karlovac and Karlovac County had the opportunity to get introduced to the local products at the Mini Green Market and an exhibition of student works on the topic of "Croatian Euro".

After the programme in the center of Karlovac, which was intended for the general public, the Head of Karlovac County Martina Furdek Hajdin, Mayor of Karlovac Damir Mandić and Director of Regional Development Agency Vilko Klasan have participated in the Dialogue with the Youth while sailing on the Grain Boat. Some of the topics of the Dialogue were entrepreneurship, opening a business after graduation and what are the problems that young people face today when they have to decide which high school or college to enroll in. The moderator of the whole event was young entrepreneur and Tik-Toker from the Karlovac County, Dario Marčac. Iva Rukavina, Nick Vrnoga and a young musician and composer Krešimir Klarić are other young entrepreneurs who spoke about their experience.

Novi poziv na sudjelovanje

New call to participate to allow even more young people to travel - DiscoverEU


DiscoverEU, which allows 18-year-olds to explore Europe by travelling mainly by train, opens its first round of applications in 2022. From tomorrow 7 April at noon until noon, young people living in Erasmus+ countries will be able to apply for one of the 35,000 free travel passes.

This year’s application round marks the inclusion of DiscoverEU in the Erasmus+ programmeThanks to this change, 70 000 travel passes will be distributed Year of Youth in 2022: in today’s application round, 35 000 travel passes have been announced and a further 35 000 are foreseen for the next application round in October. Integration into Erasmus+ also opens the door to candidates from Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey, who are the first chance to participate.

Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life Margaritis Schinas DiscoverEU offers more travel opportunities for young people than ever before. In the European Year of Youth, we put young people at the heart of our attention. We owe it to an entire generation that hasn't been able to travel for the last two years. Good luck, everybody!“

Candidates who have successfully completed a selection quiz, born between 1 July 2003 and 30 June 2004, will be able to travel in Europe for a maximum of 30 days between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023. Those who reach the age of 18 in the second half of the year will be able to apply in the next round of applications in October.

In addition, the winners of the travel pass will also receive a DiscoverEU discount card. With this new card, winners will be able to receive more than 40 000 different discounts for public transport, cultural events, accommodation, food, sports events and other services available in all eligible countries.

To increase the learning dimension of DiscoverEU, Erasmus+ National Agencies National Agencies organise information sessions and meetings to prepare young travellers for travel and to facilitate the exchange of experiences. DiscoverEU aims to promote, inter alia, discussions on sustainability, culture and European identity at these meetings. Special emphasis is placed on inclusion. Participants with disabilities or health problems may be accompanied while travelling. In addition to travel expenses, additional individual assistance is provided.

The Commission shall promote sustainable rail travel. Exceptions are cases where young people cannot travel to continental Europe by train before starting their journey. Therefore, specific arrangements are available for young people from the outermost regions, overseas countries and territories, remote territories and islands.

More information:


Europski portal za mlade

Predstavništvo u Hrvatskoj

New European Bauhaus (NEB)

New European Bauhaus (NEB) three new calls for projects

The Commission announced three new calls for projects to make the new European Bauhaus a reality. They are intended to help citizens, cities and villages integrate the new European Bauhaus project in detail in their communities.

The first and second calls launched by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT),focus on citizen engagement activities and co-creation of public spaces with citizens. The projects selected under the first call the first call will help citizens adopt more sustainable habits and develop new products, services or solutions.

It will also help community members to become drivers of change. Projects in the second call will invite local actors to inspire and reflect on public spaces in cities, urban and rural areas in their ideas by creating new solutions for the future.

The third and final call provides technical assistance to small and medium-sized municipalities that lack the capacity and expertise to translate project ideas related to the new European Bauhaus.

On 7 April, the Commission will launch the New European Bauhaus laboratory as a space for reflection and action on co-creation and testing processes for tools, solutions and policy recommendations, as announced in September 2021..

For more information on the calls see on link.

Educational conference

Educational conference “From the Recovery and Resilience Plan to Energy Renovation of Buildings”

Ahead of the first public call for energy renovation of buildings under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan,the Representation of the European Commission in Croatia, in partnership with the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction and State Property and ZGRADOnač held an educational conference “From the Plan for Recovery and Resilience to Energy Renovation of Buildings”., u partnerstvu s Ministarstvom prostornoga uređenja, graditeljstva i državne imovine i ZGRADOnač održalo je edukativnu konferenciju „Od plana za oporavak i otpornost prema energetskoj obnovi zgrada“.

The conference presented the investments and reforms in the area of building renovation foreseen in the Recovery and Resilience Plan, as well as the conditions required to apply for a public call. Video of the entire conference can be viewed here..

Along with the State Secretary of Physical Planning, Construction and State Property Sanju Bošnjak, senior economic advisor at the European Commission Representation in Croatia, Judita Cuculić Župa, senior research associate at the Hrvoje Institute Požar Toni Borković, Domagoj Šešok in front of the Association Manager, GSKG, Antonija Mlikota, representative of co-owners, Natko Bilić, Planetaris and other representatives of the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Property participated at the conference.

On this occasion, Judita Cuculić Župa, Senior Economic Advisor to the Representation of the European Commission in Croatia, said: "Out of the total amount available to Croatia under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, EUR 6.3 billion in grants, as much as 40.3 % of the funds are dedicated to investments and reforms that will contribute to achieving climate objectives. A significant part of this is investment in energy renovation of buildings that will reduce emissions of harmful gases, increase the quality of life of citizens and provide high savings on energy bills. The call for energy renovation of residential buildings, which was discussed at today’s workshop, is only the beginning of this process.”

The Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Property by the end of March a public call inviting interested parties to submit project proposals for energy renovation of residential buildings undamaged in the earthquake. For this purpose, funds in the amount of 300 million kuna have been secured.

Today, the European Union is facing a climate and environmental crisis, but also a crisis in the security of gas supply and dependence on its supplier, which explicitly threatens itTherefore, the implementation of the European Green Deal and the transition to renewables must be accelerated.

Energy renovation of buildings is a significant step in this direction. This is the first step towards reducing energy bills and moving building co-owners away from the risk of energy poverty. In line with the objectives of the European Green Deal and with funds from the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the European Commission co-finances energy renovation of residential buildings in Croatia, as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NPOA).


Aktivnosti EUROPE DIRECT KARLOVAC tijekom veljače 2022. godine

U sklopu međunarodnog dana sigurnijeg interneta, EUROPE DIRECT Karlovac nastavio je suradnju s Policijskom Upravom Karlovac te se pridružio organizaciji predstava „DISLIKE“ u nekoliko osnovnih škola Karlovačke županije. Djeci su podijeljeni prigodni materijali  i informativni letci  Centra za sigurnost Interneta ( 10.02.2022.  posjetili smo Dom Vladimira Nazora u Karlovcu te pratili sve organizirane aktivnosti u sklopu međunarodnog dana sigurnijeg interneta.

Isto tako, tijekom  veljače 2022. godine Europe Direct Karlovac u suradnji sa Desk Kreativne Europe – Kultura pri Ministarstvu kulture i medija organizirao je online radionicu na temu: „Kako prijaviti projekt na natječaje programa Kreativna Europa – Kultura“. Interes za sudjelovanje su iskazale brojne osobe i organizacije iz cijele Hrvatske, što dokazuje i više od 150 prijava! Nadamo se brojnim projektnim prijavama.

16.02.2022. godine organizirali smo online raspravu, na temu uvođenja eura i posljedica za unutarnje tržište, sa zastupnicom u Europskom Parlamentu gđom Biljanom Borzan i učenicima Gimnazije Karlovac, Ekonomsko-turističke škole Karlovac te s Veleučilištem u Karlovcu. Prema anketi koju smo proveli tijekom online prezentacije, preko 50% anketiranih osoba je izjavilo kako su za uvođenja valute eura (sada ili kasnije), preko 20% izjasnilo se da su protiv, a 22 % su neodlučni. Zaključak rasprave bio je kako se kampanja informiranja o uvođenja eura treba znatno pojačati te da postoji više koristi nego negativnih posljedica u procesu prelaska na novu valutu. Anketa u prilogu: