Since moment when Euro becomes the official currency in the Republic of Croatia is less than six months away – yesterday, on July 14, 2022, in the organization of the Representation of the European Commission in Croatia, Europe Direct Karlovac and the Public Institution Regional Development Agency of Karlovac County, an information workshop for entrepreneurs on the topic of the introduction of Euro as the official currency was held.
With comprehensive presentations, the lecturers Branka Augustinović and Lucija Sušić from the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable development; and Amalija Jurin from the Ministry of Finance, brought up the changes that will occur with the introduction of Euro, which will directly affect all business processes.
Amalija Jurin predstavila je glavne odrednice novog Zakona o uvođenju eura kao službene valute u RH te kronologiju postupka uvođenja istog. Predavačica se osvrnula na najvažnije aktivnosti i promjene poslovnih procesa koji se očekuju u periodu do 5. rujna 2022. godine, kada započinje obvezno dvojno iskazivanje cijena. Također je naglašeno i što očekivati nakon 1. siječnja 2023. kada Hrvatska planira uvođenje eura, ali i od kolike je važnosti da se svi poslovni subjekti u Hrvatskoj na vrijeme pripreme za poslovanje u novoj službenoj valuti, posebno prema krajnjem potrošaču.
Branka Augustinović and Lucija Sušić presented to the attendees the Guidelines for adjusting the economy in the process of replacing the Croatian kuna with the Euro, a document whose purpose is to timely inform business entities about the necessary adjustments, encourage timely preparations for double reporting and coordinate the implementation of consumer protection measures.
At the workshop, the concept of the Code of Ethics was also clarified. Its purpose is to determine the way business entities should act for the purpose of reliable and transparent introduction of the Euro, with the aim of creating trust and a safe environment for consumers. All business entities are invited to join this initiative.
More information about the Code of Ethics, adopted Guidelines and Instructions for adaptation, as well as the most frequent questions and answers related to the introduction of the Euro, can be found at the following link: