#BeActiveWithDanijela – obilježavanje Europskog tjedna sporta u Karlovcu

Svake godine od 23. do 30. rujna Europskim tjednom sporta promiče se aktivniji i zdraviji način života milijunima ljudi u Europi i izvan nje. Inicijativom se sportskim organizacijama, poduzećima i stručnjacima omogućuje da razviju strategije za sudjelovanje u aktivnostima povezanima sa sportom, a sudionicima da proslave sport u svojim zajednicama.

Prioriteti i posebne poruke Europskog tjedna sporta 2023. usmjereni su na sudjelovanje, uključenost i inovacije. Ta tri stupa odražavaju važne stupove sporta, kao i suvremene promjene i smjerove prema kojima se naša društva kreću.

Povjerenica za inovacije, istraživanje, kulturu, obrazovanje i mlade Iliana Ivanova izjavila je: Fizička aktivnost, bilo da je riječ o plivanju, šetnji, aktivnoj pauzi za ručak ili nekim vježbama na kraju dana, može znatno doprinijeti našem zdravlju i dobrobiti. Ove ćemo godine s 9. izdanjem Europskog tjedna sporta nadovezati se na uspjeh i rad prethodnih izdanja kako bismo osigurali da se strast za sportom može prenijeti još većem broju građana.

Europski tjedan sporta od 2015. pomaže u borbi protiv neaktivnosti poticanjem Europljana da prihvate zdrav i aktivan način života. Pozivamo sve, #BeActive, bez obzira na dob, socijalni status ili razinu tjelesne sposobnosti. Europski tjedan sporta 2022. obuhvatio je aktivnosti, natjecanja i izazove u 40 zemalja. Organizirano je 32 000 događanja na kojima se okupilo više od 13 milijuna sudionika diljem i izvan Europe.

Europe Direct Karlovac i Javna ustanova Regionalna razvojna agencija Karlovačke županije i ove godine su se uključili u obilježavanje Europskog tjedna sporta sloganom #BeActiveWithDanijela.

Želimo što veću aktivnost i to ne samo u ovom tjednu nego da bude svaki dan bez obzira na vrijeme. Ništa nas u tome ne smije omesti jer naš cilj je veća aktivnost, a samim tim i bolje zdravlje, koncentracija, međusobni odnosi tako da svakako trebamo to poticati, rekla je ravnateljica JURRA-e Sandra Cindrić.

Danijela Čavrak je fitness instruktorica koja radi funkcionalni trening kojim se poboljšava funkcionalnost i pokretljivost, snaga te izdržljivost u svakodnevnom životu.

Jučerašnji sat tjelesnog za 2. razred Ekonomsko-turističke škole Karlovac je bio malo drugačiji nego inače. Umjesto redovnog sata tjelesnog, pridružili su nam se na Vunskom polju te su zajedno sa Danijelom i njenom odličnom ekipom vježbali i plesali. Također su nam se pridružila i mališani iz grupe „Sovice“ vrtića Grabrik.

Bilo nam je jako zabavno i veselo u što se možete uvjeriti u videu.


The European Mobility Week is a campaign of the European Commission with the aim of improving the quality of life of citizens in urban areas by promoting alternative and innovative urban transport solutions. It is celebrated every year from September 16 to 22, and this year's theme was about saving fuel and energy in general and was carried out under the slogan "Let's move better - save energy!" The goal is to encourage citizens to walk, cycle and use alternative transport solutions affect the reduction of energy consumption, the reduction of environmental pollution, but also the improvement of living conditions and health.


We celebrated the EU mobility week on September 20 in cooperation with the City of Karlovac, the City Library "Ivan Goran Kovačić" Karlovac, the Traffic Police of the city of Karlovac, and Aquatika - Freshwater Aquarium Karlovac, which began with the closure of Radićeva Street from the rotor on Rakovac to the intersection with Elementary School Dragojla Jarnević from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., by cycling the Cycle Librarian from the City Library I. G. Kovačić to Aquatika. Then an exhibition of children's works on the topic of mobility in traffic was viewed in Aquatica, and the thematic guidelines for 2023 were displayed at the info stand of Europe directa, i.e. quick guides with the theme "Let's save energy" which were distributed to everyone, after which a lecture was held for 4th grade students Braća Seljan Elementary School on traffic safety in cooperation with the Karlovac Traffic Police. In order to check how carefully they listened to the lecture, a quiz followed and the best three teams won valuable gifts provided by Europe direct Karlovac.

The European Mobility Week ends with the European Car Free Day, which is celebrated on September 22.

The climate changes we are witnessing, the need to save energy, the hectic pace of life and health care are our daily routine. Let's not just wait for the European Mobility Week to take part in the activities and think about how each of us can get involved and make small steps to reduce environmental pollution and improve living conditions and health.


State of the Union address

„It is the moment to show to the young generation that we can build a continent where you can be who you are, love who you want, and aim as high as you want. A continent reconciled with nature and leading the way on new technologies. A continent that is united in freedom and peace. This is Europe’s moment to once again answer the call of history.“

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission


In her State of the Union address on 13 September 2023, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen outlined the main priorities and flagship initiatives for the year to come, building on the European Union's successes and achievements of the past years.

Proposed initiatives

1. A European Green Deal


  • • European Wind Power Package
  • • 2040 climate target
  • • Initiative for water resilience



A Europe fit for the digital age


  • • EU Space Law
  • • Strategy on Space Data Economy
  • • Initiative to open up European supercomputer capacity to ethical and responsible AI start-ups start-up poduzećima u području umjetne inteligencije



An economy that works for people

  • • EU Biotech and Biomanufacturing Initiative
  • • Follow up to the Val Duchesse Summit
  • • Advanced Materials for industrial leadership
  • • Initiative on rules on the European Works Council

A stronger Europe in the world

  • • Strengthen partnership with Africa
  • • European Defence industrial strategy



Promoting our European way of life

  • • Extension of Temporary Protection for people fleeing Ukraine
  • • Action Plan on anti-drug trafficking, including European Ports Alliance
  • • Action Plan on anti-drug trafficking, including European Ports Alliance
  • Joint European degree


A new push for European democracy

  • • Communication on pre-enlargement reforms and policy reviews
  • • Commission Recommendation on integrated child protection systems




Letter of Intent

President von der Leyen also sent a Letter of Intent to Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament, and Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez of Spain, which currently holds the Presidency of the Council. In it, she details the actions the Commission intends to take in the following year by means of legislation and other initiatives.


For more informations: https://state-of-the-union.ec.europa.eu/index_en


Today, on 08 September 2023, ahead of President von der Leyen’s State of the Union address on 13 September 2023, the Commission published an overview of the work and achievements of  the past year.


This comprehensive publication describes the EU’s actions in response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and our efforts to reduce the EU’s dependence on Russian fossil fuels, as well as progress on other political priorities of the Commission.

It outlines the actions taken by the Commission to strengthen the EU’s prosperity and resilience through NextGenerationEU and RePowerEU to accelerate the implementation of the European Green Deal and deliver on Europe’s Digital Decade.

It also provides an overview of the EU’s engagement with partners around the world, in particular the trade agenda, as well as initiatives taken to strengthen the pillars of European democracy and build a Union of Equality.

All updates on the 2023 State of the Union address are available on the dedicated SOTEU  website. -a.