[KARLOVAC] Kako prijaviti projekt na natječaje programa Kreativna Europa – Kultura?

Desk Kreativne Europe – Kultura pri Ministarstvu kulture i medija organizira online radionicu u suradnji s EUROPE DIRECT Karlovac (Javna ustanova Regionalna razvojna agencija Karlovačke županije – JURRA) na temu: Kako prijaviti projekt na natječaje programa Kreativna Europa – Kultura? koja će se održati u utorak 8. veljače 2022. s početkom u 10:00h preko Zoom platforme.

Radionica je namijenjena svim zainteresiranim udrugama, institucijama i organizacijama koje su aktivne u kulturnim i kreativnim sektorima te su otvorene za europske suradnje.

Online radionica u trajanju od 2h pružit će kratak uvod u program EU Kreativna Europa – potprogram Kultura s naglaskom na natječaj za Europske projekte suradnje  čije otvaranje se očekuje 1. veljače 2022. godine. Nakon kratkog uvoda slijedi prezentacija  FTOP-a – Funding and tender opportunities portal  – centralnog portala EU za prijavu i financiranje projekata u okviru programa EU što će obuhvatiti provjeru i kreiranje PIC broja, a zatim će se pružiti uvid u prijavnicu, kriterije ocjenjivanja sa savjetima  i napomenama za ispunjavanje.

Sudjelovanje je moguće isključivo uz PRIJAVU, te će svakom sudioniku po prijavi biti poslan link za sudjelovanje.


10:00 – 10:30 UVOD – program Kreativna Europa

10:30 – 10:40 Primjeri prakse

10:40 – 11:20 FTOP-a – Funding and tender opportunities portal 

11:55  Q&Q

Stronger transnational cooperation in higher education

The times we live in are marked by great challenges that the population is forced to deal with. Climate change, digital transformation, population aging, the global health crisis and the economic consequences it entails are making the contribution of universities and other higher education institutions more necessary now than ever before.

Universities and the entire higher education sector are in a unique position - at the crossroads of education, research and innovation, shaping sustainable and resilient economies and making the European Union greener, more inclusive and digital.

The two new initiatives - a European strategy for universities and a Commission proposal for a Council Recommendation on building bridges for effective European higher education cooperation - will support universities in their work.

The European strategy for universities Europe is home to close to 5,000 higher education institutions, 17.5 million tertiary education students, 1.35 million people teaching in tertiary education and 1.17 million researchers. This strategy intends to support and enable all universities in Europe to adapt to changing conditions, to thrive and to contribute to Europe's resilience and recovery. It proposes a set of important actions, to support Europe's universities towards achieving its objectives.

Building bridges for effective European higher education cooperation the Commission proposal for a Council Recommendation aims to enable European higher education institutions to cooperate closer and deeper, to facilitate the implementation of joint transnational educational programmes and activities, pooling capacity and resources, or awarding joint degrees. It will facilitate the flow of knowledge and build a stronger link between education, research and innovative industrial communities. The objective is notably to support the provision of high-quality life-long learning opportunities for everyone with a focus on the most needed skills and competences to face today's economic and societal demands.

Coordination of efforts between the EU, Member States, regions, civil society and the higher education sector is key to make the European strategy for universities a reality. The Commission invites the Council, Member States and universities to discuss on this policy agenda and work jointly towards future-proof universities.

The Commission proposal for a Council recommendation on building bridges for effective European higher education cooperation will be discussed with Member States. Once adopted by the Council, the Commission will support Member States and relevant partners in implementing this Council Recommendation.

More information available at: https://education.ec.europa.eu/document/commission-communication-on-a-european-strategy-for-universities

Source: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_22_365

What is coming up in 2022?

Digitalna pitanja, javno zdravstvo i put prema klimatskoj neutralnosti među glavnim su temama Parlamenta za 2022. Evo što nas sve očekuje.

Conference on the Future of Europe aims to give all Europeans the opportunity to influence how the EU should change. The Conference should reach its conclusions in the first half of 2022 based on people’s recommendations.

Digital transformation is one of the EU's top priorities. The European Parliament is helping to shape policies which will strengthen Europe's capacity in new digital technologies, open up new opportunities for businesses and consumers, support the EU's green transition and achieve climate neutrality by 2050, support citizens' digital skills by training, and help digitization of public services, while ensuring respect for fundamental rights and values.

Health – amidst continued concern about Covid-19, members of the European Parliament are set to agree to strengthen the European Medicines Agency with the aim of increasing transparency around clinical trials during a public health emergency and to better tackle shortages of medicines and medical devices.

Achieving carbon neutrality by reducing emissions, increasing energy from renewable sources and sustainable fuels. All this will contribute to the EU's carbon neutrality by 2050. They are part of the Commission's package of legislative cases that will be discussed and voted on during 2022.

Sustainable batteries - the use of batteries is expected to increase dramatically in the coming years, as they are key to meeting the demand for electric mobility and making the shift towards renewable energy. As part of the EU's new circular economy action plan and the European industrial strategy, Parliament will work on rules for the sustainable production, application and waste management of all batteries placed on the EU market.

Fair wages Parliament is ready to start talks in the coming months on rules for fair minimum wages in all EU countries. In November 2021, members of the European Parliament welcomed the proposal from the Commission and adopted its position to negotiate with member states. Reducing the gender pay gap is also a priority for Parliament.

Recovery plans - members of the European Parliament will continue to hold meetings with the Commission to scrutinise the progress of the recovery plans and make sure that the money borrowed at EU level is spent wisely in EU countries.

Migration members of the European Parliament seek to coordinate migration, asylum, integration and border management policies across the EU.

Election of Parliament President – as Parliament is crossing the half-way mark of the legislative term, members of the European Parliament will vote in January 2022 to elect a President and Vice-Presidents for the next two-and-a-half years.

Special committees - in addition to the committees on artificial intelligence and fighting cancer, two other committees are finalising their work. The inquiry committee on the protection of animals in transport approved its report in December and it will be considered by all members of the European Parliament at the start of the year. The special committee on foreign interference is expected to propose in the spring measures to counter disinformation and other attempts against EU democracy. Istražni odbor za zaštitu životinja u prijevozu odobrio je svoje izvješće u prosincu i ono će biti razmotreno na plenarnoj sjednici početkom godine. Posebni odbor za vanjsko upletanje u proljeće treba predložiti mjere za suzbijanje dezinformacija i drugih pokušaja narušavanja demokracije EU-a.

European Year of Youth – 2022 is the European Year of Youth. Parliament is helping to shape the programme of the year’s activities and has asked that young people are also involved.

Source: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/eu-affairs/20211207STO18906/coming-up-in-2022-digital-issues-green-transition-health

A new initiative of the European Union – A long-term vision for the EU's rural areas - the rural pact

Europe's rural areas provide us with food, homes, jobs and basic ecosystem services, while at the same time facing unique challenges, including demographic change, a high risk of poverty and a lack of access to basic facilities.

Rural areas make up more than 341 million hectares, which makes 83% of the total EU area in 2018. Agricultural land, forests and natural areas make up almost 80% of the EU area.

30.6% of the EU population lives in rural areas; predominantly elderly population. Rural and remote areas have the lowest share of the EU's population in age groups below 50 years.


In formulating a long-term vision, the Commission has gathered the views of rural communities and businesses through public consultation and stakeholder-led events. Through this collaborative process, the Commission has created a wide-ranging vision and a comprehensive rural action plan to help rural communities and businesses reach their full potential in the coming decades. Four complementary areas of action emerged, embodying a long-term vision from, by and for stronger, connected, resilient and prosperous rural areas by 2040..

Maintaining or improving public transport services and connections, as well as deepening digital infrastructures are essentials for ensuring better connected rural areas in the EU.

Preservation of natural resources, restoration of landscapes, greening of agricultural activities and shortening supply chains will make rural areas more resilient to climate change, natural hazards and economic crises.

Diversification of economic activities should be based on sustainable local economic strategies, including measures to make their environment attractive to companies and extend digital literacy.

The Rural Pact is a framework for cooperation between authorities and stakeholders at the European, national, regional and local level. It aims to contribute to achieving the common goals of a long-term vision for the EU's rural areas. The pact is a starting point of a long-term process. It seeks to simplify interaction on ideas and experiences to help public authorities, stakeholders and citizens to combine and increase efforts for the benefit of rural areas.t okvir je za suradnju među tijelima i dionicima na europskoj, nacionalnoj, regionalnoj i lokalnoj razini. Cilj mu je doprinijeti postizanju zajedničkih ciljeva dugoročne vizije za ruralna područja EU-a. Paktom se pokreće dugoročan proces. Njime se nastoji pojednostavniti interakcija s idejama i iskustvima kako bi se javnim tijelima, dionicima i građanima pomoglo da kombiniraju i povećaju napore u korist ruralnih područja.

The Rural Pact will be developed in cooperation with all stakeholders , and the Commission will act as a mediator. It will also seek to work with all European institutions, national and local authorities, stakeholder organizations and citizens from the 27 member states, including women and young people, to design and adhere to the Pact.

The rural pact participation form is available at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/RuralPact

This form allows authorities and stakeholders to join a community which aims at stronger, more connected, more resilient and prosperous rural areas in the EU by 2040. At the Rural Pact Conference in June 2022, this community will decide how the various authorities and stakeholders can communicate, organize and monitor voluntary commitments, translating the vision into concrete actions.


Sources: https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/newsroom/news/2021/12/20-12-2021-long-term-vision-for-rural-areas-launch-of-rural-pact?etrans=hr



„Farm to fork“ strategy

The Commission presented the 'farm to fork' strategy in May 2020, as one of the key actions under the European Green Deal. Contributing to achieving climate neutrality by 2050, the strategy intends to shift the current EU food system towards a sustainable model.

While recalling food security and safety as priorities, the strategy's main goals are to:

  • • ensure sufficient, affordable and nutritious food within planetary limits
  • • halve the use of pesticides and fertilisers and sales of antimicrobial
  • • increase the amount of land devoted to organic farming
  • • promote more sustainable food consumption and healthy diets
  • • reduce food loss and waste
  • • combat food fraud in the supply chain
  • • improve animal welfare

Europe Direct Karlovac, in cooperation with Prirodoslavna škola Karlovac, has organised planting of fruit trees. The aim of that event itself was to emphasize the importance of sustainability, but also the importance of self-sufficiency of food in Europe. The event took place on November 10th 2021 in the orchard of Prirodoslovna škola Karlovac. Senior students held a short demonstration for their fellow colleagues on how to plant a tree; so that freshmen would know how to do it themselves. Apple, plum and pear trees were planted; all highly suitable species for this climate. The message that Europe Direct Karlovac wanted to spread was that European strategy can be carried out and also that it can be applied on regional, and local, level. Our obligation is to inform general public, but the emphasis should always be on youth – seeing as they are our future holders.

Source: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/hr/policies/from-farm-to-fork/


Announcement of the performance on cyberbullying "(DIS)LIKE"

On December 9, 2021, a press conference was held at the City Theater Zorin dom on the occasion of announcing a play on cyberbullying called (DIS)LIKE. press conference

The play was conceived and made by the actors of the City Theater Zorin dom in Karlovac and is intended for students and teaching staff. The play will be presented in December this year in primary schools in the area of Karlovac and Duga Resa. The first play is planned for Monday, December 13 at the "Vladimir Nazor" elementary school in Duga Resa.
The play will be realized with the support and cooperation of Karlovac County with the City Theater Zorin dom in Karlovac and the Karlovac Police Department. The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, the City of Karlovac and the Europe Direct Center Karlovac also supported the implementation of this activity.
By participating in this activity, the Police Administration of Karlovac, through preventive activities, participates in the education of young people on Internet safety and social networks. All in order to raise awareness of society and youth about violence via the Internet and to reduce and combat such violence.
The idea for the play came to show children, but also parents, how to behave safely on the Internet in an understandable way. It is also advised that children do not come into contact with strangers and do not open unfamiliar websites. We hope that the play will get a good result and that it will make children aware, as well as reduce the possibility of them becoming victims of crime.

Open days of EU projects in Karlovac County 2021

Public Institution Regional Development Agency of Karlovac County once again joined the celebration of the Open Day of EU projects; an event that from 20th to 30th November is regularly organized by the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds. The goal of the "Open Day of EU projects" is to present to the general public projects that have contributed to the development of local communities in all life areas.

Due to epidemiological measures, Public Institution Regional Development Agency of Karlovac County organized the recording of a television show, and in cooperation with Trend Television, recording of a TV debate, where they talked about projects implemented and prepared in Karlovac County, as well as their contribution to better life of citizens and wider community, which is the ultimate goal of European Union cohesion policy.

Karlovac County Prefect Martina Furdek Hajdin, Karlovac Mayor Damir Mandić, General Manager of Hrvatske vode Zoran Đuroković and JURRA Deputy Director Krunoslav Kralj took part in the TV debate. Also, several videos were recorded on a number of successfully completed projects; from Wastewater Treatment Plant to Aquatika, as well as on projects that are being implemented or are being prepared/implemented, such as Nikola Tesla Business Center, Regional Competence Center, Edison Cinema Renovation project and hot water pipeline renovation which is also a strategic project of the future called GeotermiKa. Also, there was talk of large state projects that will protect citizens in the long term from floods in the Ogulin and Karlovac area. Tomislav Sokol, a member of the European Parliament, also expressed his views on how successful Karlovac County is in withdrawing money from EU funds.

Link to TV show:
Source: https://www.ra-kazup.hr/dani-otvorenih-vrata-eu-projekata/

The future of the EU and the goals for young people — what’s there for us?

On December 9th 2021 Europe Direct Karlovac, in cooperation with Carpe Diem Association and Gimnazija Karlovac, is organizing a debate on the topic "The future of the EU and the goals for young people - what is there for us?"

The Conference on the Future of Europe is a unique and timely opportunity for European citizens to debate on Europe’s challenges and priorities. No matter where you are from or what you do, this is the place to think about what future you want for the European Union.

Students, young audiences and representatives of EU institutions will discuss the importance of an inclusive society - volunteering, well-being and the impact on mental health - topics that are very much in focus; especially because of the consequences of the pandemic. They will also discuss the relevance of youth organizations, but also EU programs - how to encourage young people to be better informed about all the opportunities offered to them through EU programs and youth organizations and what may be their role in shaping the future of the European Union.

The discussion will be of a combined type - online and live, taking into account epidemiological measures.

For particpating in the discussion, please register in the following adress: europedirectkarlovac@ra-kazup.hr before 8.12.2021

More information about the discussion is available at the following link: https://futureu.europa.eu/processes/Education/f/37/meetings/90586?locale=en

European Christmas Tree Decoration Exchange 2021

European Christmas Tree Decoration Exchange 2021 je 2021 is a cultural exchange project where primary schoolchildren make Christmas tree decorations to send to other schools across Europe. Pupils also send a presentation about how Christmas is celebrated in their community.

Pupils learn all about the geography of our continent and are introduced to cultural differences and similarities. ICT and foreign language skills are also developed.

The aim of this project is that young people in primary schools learn about other countries in Europe through a creative and fun activity. Each school learns about their own culture and traditions through making their decorations and putting together an information pack on Christmas in their region and also discovers other European cultures and traditions.

It is expected of each school that they use the decorations they received from partners to decorate a Christmas tree in a prominent area in their school or local community.

Europe Direct centres were in charged of recruiting schools; therefore, Europe Direct Karlovac has recruited seven primary schools from Karlovac County to take part in the project.

Primary school Banija, Primary school Barilović, Branch school Cerovac Vukmanički, Primary school Cetingrad, Primary school “Vladimir Nazor” Duga Resa, Primary school Grabrik and Primary school Turanj expressed their wish to participate in the present exchange programme. All schools were arranged into groups of 30 schools, contained of schools all around Europe, therefore every school had to prepare sets of 29 Christmas decorations.

The schools were, also, offered financial help regarding postage costs.

It was planned that all schools receive their packages by December 6th 2021, so that the preparations for decorating Christmas trees could begin on time.

                    Primary school Banija Primary school Barilović Primary school Cetingrad

                   Primary school Grabrik Primary school “Vladimir Nazor” Duga Resa Branch school Vukmanićki Cerovac